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""living my life"" ""o rei or the king"" 125th street 15th new york (colored) infantry regiment 1912 olympics 20th century 369th infantry regiment 9/11 aaron burr abbey road abduction abolition abolitionist abraham lincoln abraham lincoln brigade abuse achilles (greek mythology) acquired immunodeficiency syndrome -- nursing acromegaly activist activists adolescence adolf hitler adventure afghan mujahideen afghanistan african american african american bisexual men african american boxer african american cowboys african american entertainer african american entertainers african american jazz singers african american pioneers african american solders african american theater african american youth african americans african culture african slaves afrika bambaataa agatha christie agricultural workers' industrial union agriculture ahimsa (non-violence) aids aids (disease) -- nursing aioc air combat al-qaeda alameda downs assembly center alan turing albert einstein alexander vandegrift alexander “sasha” berkman alfred stieglitz alfred wallace allan williams allies alt-right altamont amateur night amendments american indian movement (aim) american painter american south americans anarchist anarchy andrew loog oldham andré the giant andy kaufman wwf and conservationist angel island immigration station angelo-iranian oil company anglo-boer war animation anita pallenberg anne frank anne frank diary anne frank museum antarctica anthropology anti-depressant pills anti-fascist anti-islam anti-muslim anti-semitism antisemitism apartheid apes apollo apollo 11 apollo program apollo theater apollo theatre apple apple records apple store arab arab spring archers archery argentine americans arkansas art therapy articles of confederation artificial intelligence asperger’s assad assimilationist schools astrid astrid kircherr astronauts asylum expose atheism atlantic charter atomic bomb attica attica brothers legal team auschwitz author authors autism autocrat aviators axis powers ayatollah kaghani azt baghdad bapu barack obama barn storming tour baseball baseball hall of fame baseball player baseball players basketball bass reeves batista battle of buron battle of gettysburg battles bay of pigs beach boys beatlemania beatles beba epstein bebop beckett belle isle belva ann lockwood benjamin lay benjy melendez benny paret bergen-belson big bill haywood (1869-1928) bill apter bill binney bill of rights bill wyman bin laden biot bipolar birds birdsong birmingham birth control birth control federation of america black blizzard black deputy black diaries black disciples nation (gang) black entrepreneur black feminism black liberation army (bla) black muslims black power black power movement black shirts black voting rights bletchley park bloody monday bloody sunday bloomsday blues (music) bluesman bob lemmons bobby hutton bobby schiffman body image boer war bohemians bombay bombe bombing booker t. washington botany bourbon island bourgeoisie boxing brazil breast cancer brian epstein brian jones charlie watts bridge construction british eighth army british indian ocean territory british royal navy bronx brooklyn brothel brown shirts brujeria buckskin boys buddhism bullying burking buzz aldrin c. j. ramone caen caisson disease california camp leakey camp tule lake (california) camp x-ray canada canadian singer-songwriter cancer patient cancer treatments capital captain william fitzwilliam owen captivity carl jung cartography cartoonist casement report on the congo cassius clay caste system castro caucasus cbgb’s ccr center for constitutional rights century tour cesar chavez chagos refugee group chagossians charles darwin chauri champaran che che guevara chemical castration chernobyl nuclear accident cherokee code talkers chess chicago child celebrity child soldiers childhood children and war chimpanzees chinatown chinese american women chinese exclusion act chinese identity chitlin circuit chŏng-il choctaw code talkers choctaw language christine miserandino christophe andre château des milandes cia ciudad de toledo civil disobedience civil rights civil rights movement civil rights movements civil war class struggle class struggles closed borders clutter family coast guard cocaine code talker military program code talkers codebreaker cold war colonel william hayward colonialism colossus combat fatigue comedian comedy performers comics coming out (sexual orientation) communism communist community activism computer animation computer science computer scientist concentration camp concentration camps confederacy confederate congo (democratic republic) congressional gold medal congressional medal of honor conscientious objection conservation constitution continental congress contraception contraceptives coolies coronavirus cosmonauts count pepito counterintelligence program counterterrorism country musicians covid-19 crawdaddy club crime croix de guerre cryptanalyst cryptographers cryptography cryptologist crécy cuba cuban missile crisis cuban revolution culture cyber attack cycling d-day dadaism dance performers dardanelles campaign david hilliard david letterman dealey plaza decca records decipher declassify def jam records democratic socialism democratic-republican party democrats depression destroyers detroit diego diego carcia diego rivera disaster recovery disaster victims discrimination displacement doctors without borders dogs domestic relations donald trump dong xoai dorothy freeman dr. ben reitman dr. dre drone dublin duke duke kahanamoku dulles brothers dunhill records dust bowl dust storms dwarf; antislavery movement dwight eisenhower dyke dysfunctional family earthquake eastern europe eastern front ed loomis ed sullivan edith grove edward snowden eldridge cleaver election interference elections elizabeth jane cochran elizabeth schuyler ellen cohen elvis emancipation embargo emma goldman emma goldman (1869-1940) employers' federation encryption enemy combatant england enigma machine enslaved people environmentalist epic records ernest shackleton escaped slaves essential worker ethnic cleansing eugene jaques bullard europe evelyn nesbit evolution excise tax executive order 8802 exodus exploration extermination camps fame families family fascism fbi federalist party fema female primatologists feminism feminist fidel fidel castro fifa fighter pilots finnegan’s wake florida folk music folklore folsom prison blues folsom prison concert ford motors foreign correspondent foreign relations france franco frank 'pop' schiffman frank otto frank “big black” smith franklin delano roosevelt franklin roosevelt fred hampton freddie blassie frederick douglas frederick douglass frederick william pethick-lawrence baron 1871-1961 free love league free speech league free trade freedman freedom freedom rider freedom rides french resistance french revolution frida friedrich engels friendship frontier fsb (federal security service of the russian federation) fugitive slaves fumiko emily nakamura takei funk music gabba gabba hey gaelic league gang members gang violence gangs gay men gc&cs government code and cypher school gemini gender gender identify general henri gouraud general leslie groves genetics genocide george (harrison) george martin george ringo george takei george w. bush george washington georgia o’keeffe germany germany -- berlin geroge w. bush geronimo gettysburg address gettysburg national cemetery ghetto ghost ranch gifted children gilgamesh gitmo glaucoma god bless this child gold star studios gorbachev gorillas government governor blanco grace kelly grandmaster flash great britain great depression great migration of black americans 1916 great plains greenwich village grief guam guantánamo bay navel base guerilla guerilla warfare h.a.a.r.t. habeas corpus hacking haitian refugees hamburg hamburg germany harlem harlem hellfighters harlem renaissance harry belafonte harry thaw harry truman havana hawaii haymarket martyrs haymarket square heathcote sally heinrich blücher helen of troy (greek mythology) hemingway henry johnson highland light infantry highlands hilary clinton hindu hip hop hipster hiroshima history hitler hiv infections -- nursing hiv/aids hms beagle hoe avenue peace meeting (n.y.) hofners hollow board hollywood holocaust holocaust survivors homestead strike homicide homosexuality homosexuals honey washington huey newton bobby seal hulk hogan humanitarian hundred years' war (1339-1453) hunger strike hunger strikes - california hunter s. thompson hurricane katrina hurricane katrina (2005) hut 8 hypersensitivity ian fleming ian stewart ice t icu il-sŏng illinois masonic medical center. unit 371 imac immigrants immigration impeachment imperalism imperial trans-antarctic expedition imperialism in cold blood inclusive feminism india indian opinion newspaper indigenous laborers indigenous people indigo indochinese workers industrial workers of the world industrialist insurrections internment interrogation intrenchments intubate inventor investigative reporter ipad iphone ipod iran iraq iraq war ira ireland irish irish independence irish nationalist easter rising 1916 irish transport and general workers' union irish volunteers islam islamic republic islamophobia island hopping israel israeli-palestinian conflict issey miyake italy itunes iwo jima j edgar hoover j. robert oppenheimer jack schiffman jackie robinson jacobites jacqueline kennedy james brown and the famous flames james jones james lawson james meredith james monroe james reese europe and the 15th regimental band japan japanese american internment camps japanese americans jefferson davis jewish jewish children jewish military participation jewish philosopher jewish women jews jews -- education jfk jihadists jim crow jim larkin joe higgs joe hill (1879-1915) joel kupperman joey ramone john john (lennon) john adams john cale john clancy john frey john jay john lewis john phillips john sculley john wilkes booth johnny ramone jones family band joseph kony josephine baker journalism jr. judaism judaism -- customs and practices judy collins julian assange julian bond june carter cash kamikaze kansas karisoke research center karl marx kaya kennedy kennedy assassination kermit roosevelt kgb khrushchev kibbutz kidnapping kim kites korean war kristallnacht krumen ku klux clan ku klux klan kurds la revue nègre labor labor unions laborers lady day lake george lake tanganyika langston hughes latin america latka laura poitras lawyer lebanon lee harvey oswald leo szilard leon trotsky lesbian lesbianism lester young let it be leukemia levees lgbtq liberation schools lincoln assassination lions live performances liverpool ll cool j lockdown lockout lolly vasquez-vegas london lone gunman lord's resistance army lou reed louis leakey louisiana louisiana--new orleans love and saint augustine lsd lucia lucy e. parsons (1853-1942) lynching lynchings métis macintosh macs madison square garden magic mahadev maharishi majilis malcolm x malcom x man in black manhattan project manic depression mao zedong march of death march on washington margaret sanger marianne faithfull marianne ihlen marine biologist martin heidegger martin luther king martin luther king jr. marxist mary fields maryland masculinity masculinity in popular culture masculinity in sports mass incarceration mass surveillance math prodigy mathematician mathematicians mauritius mayor ray nagin mediterranean sea mendoza daniel 1764-1836 menelaus (greek mythology) mental depression mental health mentally ill mercury meresy beat metastatic breast cancer mexico city mfdp mi5 mi6 michael brown michael cohen michael collins michael flynn michel chikwanine mick jagger keith richards mick taylor middle ages middle east migrant agricultural laborers migrant agricultural workers mike smith military military base military integration miscegenation misogyny mississippi crossroads mississippi freedom democratic party modern industry mohammed mossadegh montgomery method moon landing mother earth magazine motion picture actors and actresses mount suribachi mt. baldy zen center mugwumps murder murder mystery music music halls (variety) music performers muslim mussolini mustangs mystery médecins sans frontières naacp nagasaki napa county nasa nat turner natal indian congress natal south africa nation of islam national asperger’s syndrome day national front national guard national security agency nationalism native american music awards native americans natural selection nature navajo code navajo code talkers navajo soldiers naval operations navalny nazi germany nazi persecution nazis negro baseball league neil armstrong neirsee (ship) nellie bly neo-confucianism neo-nazis nesta robert marley new mexico new orleans new york new york city new york world next computer nicaragua nineteenth century nkvd noble sissle non-violence movement nongovernmental organizations (ngos) nonviolence normandy normandy invasion north carolina north korea novelist nsa nuclear fission nurse-patient relations obscenity (law) obstruction of justice ocean odin odysseus (greek mythology) oil oil embargo okinawa oklahoma oklahoma bombing old west olo boards oncology team open tuning operation ajax operation watchtower oppressed oppressor oral history orangutans orator ornithology osama bin laden osmana bin laden outsourcing pacific ocean theatre pacific theater painter pakistan palestine pancreatic cancer pankhurst christabel dame 1880-1958 pankhurst e. sylvia (estelle sylvia) 1882-1960 pankhurst emmeline 1858-1928 paper brigade paris (legendary character) parish parkinson's disease parlophone pat vasquez-vegas pathogen genomes patton paul paul (mccartney) paul ramon pearl harbor pelican bay state prison pentagon pentonville prison periodic review boards perry smith persian gulf wars personal protective equipment pesticides pete best pethick-lawrence emmeline 1867- pfizer phil spector philip johnston philosopher photography photojournalism phss physics pin head ping pong pirates pittsburgh pirates pixar plane crash planned parenthood planned parenthood federation of america poaching poet poland police shootings police violence political campaigns political leader political prisoners political thinker politics politics and government portrait of an artist ppe president bush president george bush president lyndon johnson president obama presidential--election presidential--elections presidents primatologists prime minister prison hunger strike prison riots prisoner hunger strike solidarity coalition prisoners prisoners of war professional wrestling proletariat protest movements proud boys proust psychology of kidnapping victims psychoneurosis ptsd public enemy puerto rican puerto rican americans pumps punk punk band putin quaker quarantine queen of bohemia queer quilombo dos palmares quiz kids race race relations race riots racial identity racial oppression racially mixed people racism radicalism radio broadcasting radio personalities radio quiz shows rainbow division parade rainbow tribe rakim rap rastafarian movement raul reaganomics rebellion reconstruction recording artists recording studios red canna red summer of 1919 redbone reform refugee refugee camps refugees refugees -- vietnam reggae reggae musician removal repatriation reproductive rights republican resistance resolution 181 respirator respiratory therapist revolution revolutionary revolutionary war revolutionist rice fields richard feyman richard hickock richard starkey richie ramone rickenbacker ring of fire ringo (starr) robert ""yummy"" sandifer robert clancy robert e lee robert e. lee robert johnson robert knox robert mueller roberto clemente award rock and roll hall of fame rockets roger casement ron wood round table conference roundhouse rowher relocation center (arkansas) ruling classes run-dmc russell simmons russia russian revolution sahara saigon salt tax salt-n-pepa san francisco santeria sars-cov-2 satchel paige satisfaction satyagraha (soul force) schizophrenia scientists sclc scotland scottish home rule scottish nationalism scout seal team 6 seattle flu study secret annex secretary united states treasury secure housing unit segregation self-awareness sephardim serbia serial killers sex role sexual assault seychelles shadow ball shah of iran sharecropper shea stadium shell shock shia muslims shootings shu shuffle along siege silent spring silicon valley simmer down singer singers sinn fein sire records sit-ins sitar skating skinheads slave rebellion slave trade slavery slaves sleep deprivation smugglers sncc soccer soccer player social awkwardness social conditions social distancing social justice social media social media--political aspects social movements socialism socialist soldiers soldiers' national cemetary and memorial solitary confinement sonoma county south africa southern christian leadership conference southern plains soviet union space space flight spain spanish civil war special forces detachment a-342 spirituality spoon theory sports sputnik standing rock stanford white star-club stellar wind stephen wozniak steve bannon steve jobs stokely carmichael stork club strange fruit street medics strike stu (stuart) sutcliffe stuart sutcliffe student nonviolent coordinating committee student strikes studs terkel (1912-2008) sugar plantations sunni muslims superdome supplemental agreement surfboard surfers surfing surveillance contractors survival survival programs suspension bridge swaraj (self-rule) sydney poitier syraian refugees syria syria civil war taglit--birthright israel takeyuma norman takei taliban talking animals tanjung puting national park taxi television actor television broadcasting television personalities tempora ten-point program terrorism terrorist texas the allies the annex the arab league the beatles the blue boys the blues the british mandate the cavern club the chagos archipelago the clash the comedy store the communist manifesto the diary the ed sullivan show the eight hiders the endurance the fab 4 the fat boys the glimmer twins the human condition the jewish brigade the klan the lawrence strike the lollards the north star (newspaper) the princess bride the quarrymen the redlands affair the rollings stones the sex pistols the shah the spanish civil war the sugarhill gang the tea act the wailers the western front thomas drake thomas jefferson tolstoy tom blake tomboy tony clifton torture totalitarianism tracking trade embargo trade unions trail of broken treaties transatlantic slave trade transcendental meditation treaty treaty of paris trench foot trench town trench warfare trials (homicide) tripartitle treaty true crime truman capote trump turkey tye leung schulze u.s. marine code u.s. marshall u.s. marshalls uganda ukraine ulysses ulysses s. grant unaccompanied immigrant children -- europe unaccompanied immigrant children -- ghana unaccompanied refugee children -- europe unaccompanied refugee children -- ghana union unitary household united kingdom united states untouchables uprising urban planning uss stevens v-e day verax viet cong vietnam vietnam war vietnam war 1961-1975 vietnamese americans -- biography vince mcmahon violence virginia voting rights act w.e.b. debois wage labour wailing soul records war war correspondents war crimes war on terror warren commission warsaw ghetto uprising washington roebling watch list water surge waterboarding watts riots watts uprising welterweight west africa west port murders wet market whiskey rebellion whistleblowers white busses white only white rose wiki leaks wikileaks wild wild west wildfires william burke william hare william martin murphy william tecumseh sherman william wordsworth - the happy warrior winston churchill wire tapping woman woman journalist women -- suffrage women inventors women jazz singers women painters women translators women's equality women's rights women's social and political union (great britain) women's suffrage word war ii working (studs terkel) working classes world citizen world cup world market world series world trade center world traveler world war (1939-1945) world war 2 world war 2; gunner world war i world war ii world wrestling federation wounded knee wovoka wrestlers writer wuhan ww ii wwi wwii xenophobia yeats yeltsin yemen yiddishuania yivo yoko ono youth aliyah ypres yuri gagarin zahra kazemi zapruder film zen zora neale hurston zumbi cass elliot dee dee ramone denny doherty elvis ramone marky ramone michelle phillips princesse tam tam rock and roll hall of fame siren of the tropics tommy ramone zouzou “a hard days night” “abbey road” “boat people” “from me to you” “haleluhah” “help” “kook-boxes” “love me do” “magical mystery tour” “my bonnie” “please please me” “red emma” “rollin’ stones” “sergeant pepper” “suzanne” “yellow submarine”
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Funded in part by a Carnegie-Whitney Grant from the American Library Association.
Graphic History is a database of available/in-print graphic novels dealing with historical settings, events, or people. It is hosted by the University of Iowa Libraries.
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