War of Streets and Houses
- Annotation:
- Yanow chronicles the spring 2012 student strike in Montreal and her following research and interest in urban planning and its hidden agenda to military strategies in Algeria, Paris, and North America.
- Creator:
- Author - Sophie Yanow
- Publication Information:
- Uncivilized Books, Minneapolis, 2014
- Color or Black & White:
- Genres:
- Autobiography/Memoir
- Non-Fiction
- Bibliography Available:
- No
- Original Language:
- English
- Historical Topic/Event:
- The Battle of Algiers
- Geographic Setting:
- Canada
- Quebec -- Montreal
- Date Range:
- 2012 - 2012
- Tags:
- Notes:
Copyright 2025
Funded in part by a Carnegie-Whitney Grant from the American Library Association.
Graphic History is a database of available/in-print graphic novels dealing with historical settings, events, or people. It is hosted by the University of Iowa Libraries.
Learn more at http://guides.lib.uiowa.edu/graphichistory.