Prophet Against Slavery: Benjamin Lay: A Graphic Novel
- Annotation:
- "Prophet against Slavery illustrates the life and times of an eighteenth-century dwarf abolitionist who performed guerrilla theater against slaveowners and became one of the first to demand immediate and abolition."
- Creators:
- Author - Paul Buhle
- Illustrator - David Lester
- Author - Marcus Rediker
- Publication Information:
- Beacon Press, Boston, 2021
- Color or Black & White:
- Genre:
- Biography
- Bibliography Available:
- No
- Original Language:
- English
- Historical Topic/Event:
- Quaker
- Slavery
- Abolitionist
- Geographic Setting:
- Barbados
- England-London
- Pennsylvania-Abington
- Date Range:
- 1682 - 1759
- Tags:
- Notes:
- Text adapted from The fearless Benjamin Lay: the Quaker Dwarf Who Became the First Revolutionary Abolitionist""
Copyright 2024
Funded in part by a Carnegie-Whitney Grant from the American Library Association.
Graphic History is a database of available/in-print graphic novels dealing with historical settings, events, or people. It is hosted by the University of Iowa Libraries.
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